Monday, December 05, 2005

dear mta....

just a quick heads up. i think that the city needs to switch from it's urine scented cleaning products at penn station to something a little bit different smelling. it seems that the actual urine that homeless folks are leaving about is mixing in with the urine scented cleaning products and we are getting something far worse. gagworthy i would argue. so maybe..........ida know......some.....febreze? something more lemon scented (nah that's how we got here), i have it, something that smells like roses. i know, i know, you want to make the long island people gag and pay for the priveledge and all, and i know that it's very 70's retro to have the station smell like pee but, let's get our collective pine sol on. thanks, i love you too.

—the bastard


Rob S. said...

Aw, basty, don't you know that nobody beats the wiz?

bastard central said...

hmmmmmm. could any hell be more real...or now.

bastard central said...

dude, you are sooooo fired. kudos on the new job by the way

bastard central said...

well don't we all get ourselves something for christmas