Friday, February 02, 2007

brand new i phone here now!!!

now the bastard likes the sweet new technology as much as the next bastard but justice takes it to a new level. justice is the photo editor of killing stuff monthly and he loves to obsess over things. in this case, it's apple's new iphone. now the iphone doesn't come out until later this year. i think it might actually be in april. either way. justice, wants the phone and until it comes out, he built himself an iphone. now lets take a brief overview of it's fantastic features.

it comes with many touch screen features

and it's oh so slim to fit into your pocket.

it even comes with this fabulous digital camera. you know, just looking at this cardboard fake (which comes complete with it's own nutrition information on the back), i'm thinking of trading my phone in for one too. why? because it's sweet looking, jerkface.

—the bastard

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