Thursday, May 09, 2013

life in these Long Island cities…

humid as hell…

yer man waltzes out into the street to get his 'go home' on…

expecting some manner of Thursday night bullshit from behind my home. 

yer man is pleasantly surprised to find that Thursday night has either taken it elsewhere tonight…


perhaps decided staying inside the bomb shelter that is the bar behind my home. 

it was a nice change of pace. 

the bastard can't say it'll always be like this but it's these little surprises that make it all good in the hood. 

so, the babby and I hung out on the balcony instead of having story time…

and she told me about her day. 

it's the kind of stuff I can get used to. 

sort of how right now I can hear the angry man of the building's daughter running around their yard right now (silly rabbit, I told you I opted to not take that job here) which means it's 11:30. 

so tonight it's a glass of whiskey in the garden of good and evil for the bastard…

and I may take it on the balcony. 

domestic bliss in airquotes.

—the bastard

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