Wednesday, August 14, 2013

when the lights went out

10 years ago…

the bastard took the longest walk he had walked since he hooked up at the march of dimes walkathon in 1986…

that didn't end well…

but that's a different story…

10 years ago the lights went out in my city…

and the news asked me…

"hey jerk, where were you when this shit went down? we was in oklasota or wiscotucky not knowing about life in these new york cities… probably at scad or some shit…"

after promptly punching the news in the face, I spun the tale. 

10 years ago…

when the lights went out…

the silver k, beck, and I decided to walk the divine ms. cin to port authority so she can be spirited back to the magical land of yard sales but we lost her…

because that was the style at the time. 



we headed east


north then east

the silver k offered some yob 200 dollars to take him home

upon refusal, he offered him 400 dollars to take him through the midtown tunnel

instead we crossed the queensborough bridge and parted ways with beck at northern blvd as his destination was gayside. 

inward we trudged down queens blvd and by 10:30 pm, we reached the fhills. 

the nice lady offered to drive the silver k back to his palatial estate in Rockville center as well. 

upon her return, we all attempted sleep but the pharmacy had an alarm going off that was hooked up to its own power supply and it rang all night. 

in retrospect, I really hated that block. 

the next day, power came back on by mid morning and our managing editor, the velvet hammer, insisted we come back to work because powers on in manhattan. 

and while it was on in queens, I told her otherwise and made coffee and tried my best to enjoy a hot August day.  

—the bastard

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