Monday, October 24, 2005

...on manufacturing and balkanization

it's usually at this time that the dubble plat gets to wondering, "what the hell does that bastard do all day that he's posting shit all damn day?" well i'm here to say that the bastard is actually at the cusp of shipping the issue but we're waiting for our esteemed production monkey to come up with a road map, so i'm stuck waiting to move 40 pages, so back off!!! anyway, the bastard was taking a peek at gothamist this morning and came across this little item from new york magazine on the neighborhood that they call "nolita" and how real estate prices have rendered it "over".

first off, this kind of neighborhood balkanization is sheer horsecrap (talk of prices later). this neighborhood was a section of north of little italy (hence no-li-ta) that had trendy people and trendy shopping and i'm sure that sarah jessica baba yaga had something to do with. but, i've been watching this kind of balkanization for years. let's give a section of neighborhood a new name so that we can make it seem separate and subsequently "better" that the greater whole to serve a segment of cultural elitists. i grew up in queens vilage. QV covers a vast piece of land between hollis (west), cambria heights (south), nassau county (east), and bayside (north). when you get further north, the houses get larger and the quality of life is better than when you are closer to cambria heights. shortly before the bastard took flight to forest hills in search of a quicker commute that was beneficial to both himself and the nice lady they started calling that part of QV "queens village north". it didn't make it seem any better but i guess the folks up there didn't want to associate with the rabble further downtown. i'm sure this happens to boost prices. hell, they have even taken to referring to the south bronx as "SoBro" presumably to raise prices there. i don't hold out much hope for it being that it is the south bronx and all but you keep fighting the good fight there sobro. yeesh. that said, now i'm actually going to read the article on the offset chance that the damn roadmap shows up.

—the bastard

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