Monday, November 19, 2012

where you hang your hat

The bastard's first weakend home wasn't nearly as emotional nor gut wrenching as he thought it would be.

I came home…

The power and heat were on…

We ordered pizza…

I drank whiskey…

All was right with the world.

But tonight I looked at the lack of lighting in the building across the street from us is and I see that finally have people in to work on a building that will be out of commission for the next 6 months and I think…

We also almost moved there…

Thank god we didn't.

It was merely a quirk of waiting for our buyer to get her shit together and we could have moved to a beautiful 2 bedroom…

Two terrace duplex…

With a parking spot…

That won't have electricity for the next 6 months.

And while I feel I'll miss those chuckleheads who have a retractable tv screen on their roof terrace that prompts them to shout whenever tha Yankees score…

I feel fortunate at how events turned out.

Dodged a damn bullet…

—the bastard

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