Saturday, September 02, 2006

and the rain rain rain, fell down down down

well ernesto has made it to new york, and it hasn't really turned into much more than some rain that might get worse later today. you know, it's things like north carolina that keep hurricanes from beating the hell out of new york more often than not. i mean we've had a couple few over the years but, a hurricane is gradually dimished because of the south. i'm sure that perhaps willy dub, killing stuff monthly's resident tall tale teller is down at his parents gigantic middle class estate battening down the hatches with his big blue ox. one tume willy dub told me this story in which he battled a giant on top of mojave mountain. when the fight was finished they had so destroyed the mountain that mojave became the mojave desert. then he passed out in a cab. woke up on 125th street and malcolm x boulevard and asked the cab driver to take him to a jazz club because he needed to hear jazz.

anyway, rain sucks and this morning is not turning into the fix up the apartment type morning that i envisioned it would be. oh well. i guess a shower and car ride is in order. i still have crap at the rtents house to get. maybe that can add up to some progress. the bastard is going to need some help he thinks.

—the bastard


Anonymous said...

So, you're painting a chair, eh?

bastard central said...

eventually but, yah. these kids at school...smoke. yah and they taught their dog to beg for cigarettes.

those kids shore do smoke

Anonymous said...

So, you're painting a chair, eh?

bastard central said...

so are you offering me a casserole because you can't relate to my suffering?

Anonymous said...

So, you're painting a chair, eh? C'mon guy, you should know where this one goes.

bastard central said...

ok yes thank you gavin