Monday, July 23, 2007

this just in...

left hand rob has just informed the editor and i that weekly world news is is closing up shop. the venerable supermarket tabloid was the source of nonstop entertainment for years when the bastard. that's right kids, we won't have anyone to report the whereabouts of batboy anymore. no more ed anger column. and speaking of ed anger, the bastard thinks some tribute is in order, in light of this grave news.

the bastard is madder than kids stuck in summer school because the weekly world news is closing.

the bastard is madder than than a tea-drinker named Joe because the weekly world news is closing.

the bastard is madder than than a smoker on a submarine at people who think they have the ‘right’ to close the weekly world news.

the bastard is angrier than a beaver in the desert because the weekly world news is closing.

the bastard is madder than a porcupine stuck in a thorn bush over the fact that because the weekly world news is closing.

and of course the classic

the bastard is PIG BITING MAD that the weekly world news is closing.

so long WWN, thanks for making working seven years in a grocery store part time so frikkin bearable.

—the bastard

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